Come As You Are
Whether you’re Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, married, single, divorced, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, young, old, believer, seeker, agnostic—come as you are! Dress up or dress down. You can be yourself here. Whoever you are and wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you are welcome at the Lord’s table at St. Jude’s. No membership cards are required. You don’t even have to sign an acceptable use policy. We don’t want to change you—we think you are just fine the way you are. We don’t want to recruit you. We just want to support you as you grow into the person you were born to be. We won’t pressure you to join us. But we offer a place for you to explore your beliefs in conversation with others.
At St. Jude’s about the only thing we have in common is that we follow Jesus. We don’t all understand Jesus the same way but we recognize Jesus as the foundation of our faith. We don’t have a long list of doctrines and rules. We don’t claim to know all the answers but we are committed to asking questions together until we find the answers for ourselves. We don’t claim to know Jesus nearly well enough. In the Episcopal Church, people get to know Jesus better over time. We do not claim to be the only right church, but we might be the church that is right for you.
If you worship with us, you will probably find some people like yourself and you are sure to find some people who are different. We discover ourselves in the Episcopal Church while we are discovering each other. Spiritual seekers find home here. Strangers and wayfarers become friends.